Thursday 19 January 2012

Milk and Honey

I write articles for Milk and Honey media.

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I have always been a fan of stop motion animation and when I was told that video CVs are a good way to get employers attentions I thought I would experiment with my own Stop motion CV.

90s TV

Another article I wrote for Milk and Honey.

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Anyone who watched TV in the 90s know that some of the best shows were created in this decade, I am a 90s child so I might be a little bias. But no one can argue that the 90s did not produce some of the most iconic and defining shows in television history... because it did.

So here are my 5 most defining moments in 90s TV.

5. Before modern mystical shows like the Vampire Diaries and Supernatural or films such as Harry Potter and the Twilight Saga kick-ass girls dominated the small screen. The 90s gave us Sabrina the teenage witch, The Halliwell sisters (Charmed) and Buffy all of which created a new generation of strong, independent, vampire slaying, demon busting women. Talk about girl power.

4. Now this is story all about how my life got twisted upside down…Recognise this tune? Well not one teen living in the 90s wasn’t able to sing the catchy lyrics to one of the most significant and iconic shows on 90s television, The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air. It also created something defining in itself – The Carlton dance! Following its success the 90s spawned an array of humorous teen sitcoms such as Sister Sister, Kenan and Kel, California Dreams and Saved by the Bell to name a few. These shows remain enduring classics of 90s television comedy.

3. Following on from the teen theme of the 90s, Teen dramas also established themselves as a defining genre of the 90s. Perhaps two of the most influential shows would be Beverly Hills 90210 which was so popular that it has made a come back in the 21st Century with an all new ridiculously rich cast full of a life of drama. Secondly, who can forget the small town of Capeside with the Joey, Pacey and Dawson’s love triangle in Dawson’s Creek. These shows have gone on to make way for modern teen dramas such as One Tree Hill. The teen drama has gone on to become one of the most popular genres on modern day television.

2. If we are talking defining moment we can not forget to mention the longest running sitcom of all time, The Simpsons. Despite the fact Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart and Maggie haven’t aged since their first episode, dedicated fans are still tuning in after a commendable 21 years on the small screen.

1. Anyone who has not seen or heard of Friends must have been living under a rock in the last decade or two. Friends is undoubtedly the most defining show of the 90s. Not only did it introduce us to some of the funniest and most lovable characters of the small screen TV but it also dominated our TV screens, magazine covers and Google searches from 1994 to 2004, that’s 10 whole years. Even 7 years after its final episode Friends remains a popular classic on television screens across the world.


British Cinema

I have recently started to write for an online entertainment website so I will be posting the content and links to my writing. Click here to go to the website or read below.

In the last two decades British cinema has gone from strength to strength. Not only have British films thrived in the UK box office but they have also taken the foreign movie market by storm. In addition to this, British actors have also put themselves on the global map and have become worldwide superstars. So why has British cinema become appealing for this generation? Here are 5 reasons why we love British cinema.


We Britons thrive on a tale about our British legacy, hence the string of successful movies about the Royal family in cinema over the last couple of years. Not only are we proud of our British heritage but many countries envy our modern monarchy which has lead to a keen interest in the Royal family. Viewers have been captivated by the modern royals such as William and Kate but movies audiences have loved delving into tales about the British monarchy in films such as; The Queen, Elizabeth and The Kings Speech.


British book to film adaptations have proven to be a great hit with cinema audience worldwide. Classics such as Pride and Prejudice and Oliver Twist have produced great period films. But it is perhaps more modern novels such as Bridget Jones Diary that have captivated British audiences. The Harry Potter franchise alone has proved a humongous hit in the UK and overseas making global stars out of many previously unknown British actors and actresses. Many successful movies in the past decade have been taken from great British novels, such as Lord of the rings, The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe and more recently One day.


British comedy has always been considered a hit and miss situation with foreign spectators, but here in the UK audiences thrive on a dose of British sarcasm. Satirical comedies like The Full Monty, Notting Hill, Shaun of the Deadand The Boat that rocked have showcased the finest humour in British film.


Our generation has come to love honest gritty dramas about real life people struggling in multi-cultural Britain. Successful mainstream British movies like East is East, Bullet Boy and Kidulthood deal with issues facing an array of ethnicity in a culturally diverse country. For example films such as Adulthood and Billy Elliot have shown the urban gritty side of Britain in the 21st century. These movies have appealed to our generation for the sheer fact that they are directly relatable to British audiences of today.


Finally, actors and actresses such as Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant, Keira Knightly, Colin Firth, Helen Mirren, Helena Bonham Carter, Jude Law, Orlando Bloom and Tom Hardy to name a few have brought a great deal attention to the British movie industry. These global superstars have not only supported the British film industry but have gone on to star in some of the most influential British movies of all time.


Pugwash Mag

My article titled 'Culture Clash' has been published in the winter issue (The personal issue) of Pugwash Magazine. Click here to have a read on page 8.

Love and War

These documetary videos are one of my least favourite projects that I have worked on. The process of making them is great but personally I don't find the content very interesting. The images above are taken from a video production project called 'All is fair in love and war'. The story is a little slow at the beginning but if you actually watch the video the whole way through it actually has a great little love story. The other is a 3 minute wonder type video about the mis-interpretation and sterotypes attached to people who are in a big band opposed to a rock band. The videos have been uploaded to YouTube so the quality isn't great but they are watchable!



The pictures above are from a university project to produce a zine or flip book related to the creative industries. I chose to produce a zine called StarZine: Light-hearted profiles of the excitingly rich and famous. The general idea was to produce a basic biography/personal profile of an inspirational star in the film industry. My first issue was all about Tim Burton, the zine included a history of his films, an examination of his crazy characters, a feature explaining Who Tim Burton is and some reviews of his best and worst films. I haven't managed to actually produce an online copy yet it has only been printed into a booklet but I hope to get it online soon.